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SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption (SHOW) will test shared, connected and electrified automation in urban transport, to advance sustainable urban mobility.
About the projectFastTrack will support the transfer, financing and implementation of innovative transport solutions amongst 24 cities and metropolitan regions.
About the projectEuropean Mobility Week is the Europe-wide awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility, which aims to facilitate behaviour change by promoting smart, clean and intelligent ways of moving within your city.
About the projectSharing Cities is a Smart Cities ‘lighthouse’ programme that demonstrates how thoughtfully designed, integrated, open source solutions can be developed to serve the interest of people in an affordable and scalable manner.
About the projectThe Green City Accord is a movement of European mayors committed to safeguarding the natural environment and stepping up their ambitions to achieve cleaner and healthier environments.
About the projectOne of the greatest challenges facing Chinese urbanisation is how to best design and turn cities into intelligent, socially integrative and sustainable environments. TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA addresses this key challenge.
About the projectThe Urban Agenda brings together representatives from cities, the European Commission and Member States to offer an informal way of assessing current European initiatives impacting cities.
About the projectBy working together, cities and other public buyers can maximise their market power and impact, promoting the creation of new solutions more targeted to their needs.
About the projectLooking for a Europe where electric vehicle charging is widespread, efficient and works for users? Look no further.
About the project