European Mobility Week is the Europe-wide awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility, which aims to facilitate behaviour change by promoting smart, clean and intelligent ways of moving within your city.
Taking place every year between 16 and 22 September in more than 3,000 towns and cities, the campaign gives people the chance to explore the role of city streets and to experiment with practical solutions to tackle urban challenges, such as air pollution.
European Mobility Week provides the perfect opportunity to present sustainable mobility alternatives to local residents and to explain the challenges that cities are facing. By taking part, towns and cities can showcase the benefits of cleaner transport choices and make progress towards better mobility in Europe.

Local authorities are strongly encouraged to use the week to test new transport measures and get feedback from the public. It is also an excellent opportunity for local stakeholders to get together and discuss the different aspects of mobility and air quality, find innovative solutions to reduce car-use and transport emissions, and test new technologies and planning measures.
With more towns and cities joining every year, even from outside Europe, the campaign is widely recognised as a driving force towards sustainable urban mobility in Europe, and its annual awards are a prize hundreds of cities apply for every year.