Focus Area

Citizen engagement

We are today, more than ever, living in times of change. We are having to face new and unexpected challenges. ‘Politics as usual’ in our representative democracy is no longer delivering what people expect, leading to an increasing distance between political institutions and citizens. Given this situation, citizens are willing to get more involved in the decision making processes that affect their lives. The increasing mismatch between people’s expectations, existing democratic practice and the scale of our societal challenges is a real opportunity for cities. As the closest level of government to people, city governments are the place where democracy can start, and from where connections can be made to bridge the gap between people and politics. Our European projects in this area include Sharing Cities and ROCK. Read more about our work on citizen engagement:


Aleksandra Ziętek Project Coordinator


  • European Mobility Week is the Europe-wide awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility, which aims to facilitate behaviour change by promoting smart, clean and intelligent ways of moving within your city.

    About the project

    European Mobility Week

  • Living-in.EU charts the ‘European way’ for the digital transformation of cities and communities through multi-level collaboration between all levels of government, to ensure technological leadership while respecting European values and diversity, as well as individuals’ digital rights.

    About the project


  • Cities and regions shaping the built environment for everyone

    About the project

    Living Spaces: Cities and regions shaping the built environment for everyone 

  • CitiObs' co-creation process facilitates inclusive local actions for sustainability, ensuring that Citizen Observatories data contributes significantly to research and policy development in alignment with the objectives of the European Green Deal.

    About the project
