Cities are central to the achievement of cohesion across Europe. They play a key role in creating growth and jobs, implementing EU cohesion policy and improving European governance.
This why Eurocities and our members will have a lot to say at the 21st European Week of Regions and Cities, taking place in Brussels from 9 – 12 October.
The four day event focuses on the common challenges faced by cities and regions and how cohesion funding can help to tackle them. Find out how to register for the events we are involved in below.
Tuesday, 10 October 2023
Mayors’ Agenda for Cities and the EU: Priorities and Challenges Moving Forward
09:00 – 11:00, European Parliament
Ahead of the European elections in June 2024, it is crucial to prioritise the agenda of cities and strengthen collaboration between cities and the EU. This is why Eurocities and the Urban Intergroup of the European Parliament are organising this event for city representatives and MEPs to discuss their priorities, challenges and opportunities to work together.
The event will present the results of the Eurocities Pulse Mayors Survey, which provides a comprehensive overview of the priorities and concerns of European mayors. It will also offer the opportunity to discuss Eurocities’ policy paper on how the EU can work better with cities.
View the draft agenda for the event and register here.
Workshop: Towards long-term solutions for displaced people from Ukraine
Tuesday 10 October, 17.00-18.00, Jacques Delors building, JDE 52
The Russian war of aggression has created an unprecedented movement of displaced persons from Ukraine. Europe’s cities have been quick to offer ongoing support to their Ukrainian counterparts and host refugees fleeing the conflict.

What has worked well? What key lessons have been learned? Discussions will draw on the EU Fundamental Rights Agency’s report on challenges and local good practices for welcoming displaced people from Ukraine.
Katharina Bamberg, head of migration at Eurocities, will moderate this event.
Curious minds for a stronger Europe through international urban and regional cooperation
Tuesday 10 October 2023, 11:30-12:30, SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Room 214-216

André Sobczak, Secretary General of Eurocities, will be a speaker at this event which brings together European networks of local and regional authorities and cities and regions involved in international cooperation to discuss their common challenges and experiences.
Discussions will focus on how the exchange of experiences, capacity building and global networking can reskill people to foster innovative solutions for common challenges in the post-industrial transition.
In a new and engaging format, the event will transform the audience into “expertise givers” and the speakers representing other networks and the rest of the audience into “receivers”.
Tuesday, 10 – Thursday, 12 October
Living-in.EU stand, hosted by Eurocities
9:00 – 18:00, Square Brussels meeting centre Agora Village, Square Floor -1
Living-in.EU is the digital transformation movement of EU cities, regions and Member States. If you are a decision-maker at local, regional or national level tasked with turning cities and communities into smart and sustainable places where people enjoy living and working, then you should come by and visit the stand to learn more.

This is organised by Gabriela Ruseva and Viviana Demonte from Eurocities, in collaboration with the European Network of Living Labs.
Wednesday, 11 October
From reactive to proactive city on citizens’ terms
Wednesday 11 October, 09:30-11:00, Committee of the Regions, Jacques Delors building

Federica Bordelot, Head of Digital Transformation for Eurocities, will speak at this event which explores how city services can be innovated to be proactive and predictive for the benefit of residents.
Proactive city services mean that residents’ service needs are predicted and services offered and suggested without people having to fill out forms or take action themselves, supporting equal access to services benefiting especially the most vulnerable.
Proactive service targeting requires widespread employment of data and analytical methods.
How cross-border regions and cities will accelerate the Digital Decade
Wednesday 11 October 2023, 09:30-11:00, SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre

Gabriela Ruseva, Project Coordinator at Eurocities, will be involved in this session which focuses on Local Digital Twins and cross-border digital services.
Stories and challenges from the border municipalities of Heerlen, Aachen and Liège will be presented. This will set the stage for an interactive session on how these border regions can cooperate with each other when implementing digital solutions.
The session will explore the important role of Living-in.EU in accelerating the Digital Decade, and participants will be invited to join the movement.
How sustainable urban mobility interventions can generate growth and improve liveability
Wednesday 11 October, 14:30-16:00, SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre
Over the past 20 years, EU-funded research and innovation projects in the field of urban mobility have shown that addressing the effects of climate change in urban transport brings wider economic and social benefits. This session will focus on findings from projects supported under the CIVITAS Initiative and the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission. A World Café will centre on three themes: active modes, decarbonised last-mile delivery of goods and public transport.

Arianna Americo, Project and Forum Coordinator, and Thomas Lymes, Policy Advisor at Eurocities, will be involved in this session.
Thursday, 12 October 2023
Access to finance for the local energy transition: how to move away from subsidies
11:30 – 13:00, SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre, Hall 400
After an introduction on the EU energy policy framework, the results of a survey on barriers to using financing instruments to implement SECAP measures and practical tips from an investor perspective will be presented to stimulate discussion. Three pitches on successful best practices will be delivered by local authorities involved in applying initiatives. Participants will be able to choose one and move to the appropriate table to take an active role in the session and discuss how these practices can be replicated.

Eugenia Mansutti, Project Manager at the Covenant of Mayors, will moderate this session, and Sylwia Slomiak, Project Manager at Eurocities, will be a speaker.