
Covenant of Mayors Ceremony

07 Oct

Registration is now open for the Covenant of Mayors 2021 Ceremony, ‘Towards a fairer, climate-neutral Europe for all,’ taking place online on 7 October 2021 from 09:30 to 13:00.

Register here

The European Covenant of Mayors is a group of over 10,000 local governments promising to do their part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to climate change, secure access to affordable and sustainable energy, and, overall, to improve the quality of life for their citizens.

The ceremony will see many existing signatories sign up for a new and greater ambition for 2050, and new signatories swear into the covenant. The ceremony will also be an occasion for cities to share their achievements and some great ideas about how to commit, engage and act towards a fairer, climate-neutral Europe. Register here!

With the renewed 2050 ambition, signatories commit to reaching climate neutrality by 2050, to increasing their emission reduction targets, implementing adaptation to climate change measures and alleviating energy thanks to a just transition. They also commit to engaging their citizens, businesses and local stakeholders in the transition, thus contributing to the European Climate Pact.

You can register here. Any questions please email

You can already tweet your enthusiasm with #mayors4neutrality and #EUClimatePact


Eugenia Mansutti Projects coordinator & Policy Advisor (Covenant of Mayors, Climate and Energy)
