
EaSI – InclusiveCities4All

Through this work, cities can deliver EU social policy objectives at local level and help mitigate the socio-economic consequences of the pandemic crisis on the most vulnerable people, driving a fair and inclusive recovery and making a tangible difference for the lives of over 36 million Europeans.

The EaSI grant supports Eurocities’ contribution to reinforcing social Europe and strengthen cities’ capacity to support the future implementation of new EU social policy initiatives under the action plan of the European Pillar of Social Rights. Cities implement the European Pillar of Social Rights through a work programme for capacity building, mutual learning and data gathering that leads to concrete policy change at local level.

Eurocities is committed to ensuring that social inclusion is a core issue in urban policy, and that cities can work together with the European institutions to improve social policymaking and governance, including the design and implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR), the Sustainable Development Goals, the Europe 2020 Strategy, the European Semester and the national strategies on social inclusion, the European Disability Strategy, and financial instruments such as the ESF+.


Nathalie Guri Projects and Knowledge Sharing Director
Michaela Lednova Senior Policy Advisor

Starting date

January 2024

Ending date

December 2024