
World Design Policy Conference

19 Oct - 23 Oct

19 – 23 October 2020

Lille Metropole is the World Design Capital 2020.  The World Design Policy Conference aims to study design as a tool of resilience for our democracies.

The current societal climate is shaking our democracies to their core. Europe and its states are suffering from the defiance of citizens towards their institutions, which they see as out of touch with their concerns. In suspending some of our actions, drawing out the electoral process and generating a sense of confusion, the public health crisis has only reinforced this belief. Yet at the same time, a clear trend has emerged. Citizens are seeking to commit in other ways in order to tackle climate, environmental and social emergencies, with online forums, spontaneous mobilisations, direct contributions, other forms of civic engagement and desires expressed through new collective concepts. This movement was cemented at the peak of the crisis by many spontaneous acts of solidarity and a profound change in discussions on how our societies function.

Read about Lille Metropole’s efforts to become Design Capital here

Register for this event here


Alex Godson Eurocities Writer
