
Why and how to develop urban food policies

From 26 March to 25 June, Food Trails organised an online discussion series called ‘Midday Munchies with Urban Food Policies’. This resource redirects you to the YouTube playlist where you can find recordings of all episodes.

The series was designed to share insights and experiences built throughout the Food Trails project and foster the replication of successful solutions and best practices developed by the Food Trails cities to promote local sustainable food systems. These online discussions served as a platform for exchange between Food Trails, cities and stakeholders outside the consortium.

Each episode was moderated by Eurocities and featured an expert from the project consortium or think tank, along with two representatives from cities involved in the Food Trails project.

What’s on the menu?

The conversations centre around cities’ role and margin of manoeuvre in transforming local food systems.

Every episode delves into a specific question and discusses key themes, such as the importance and development of urban food policies, financing strategies for city food initiatives, approaches to food waste prevention and reduction, utilising food procurement for sustainability and inclusivity, overcoming challenges in local food distribution, and citizen engagement in local food advocacy.

The list of episodes is the following:

26 Mar. | #1 – Why develop urban food policies?

30 Apr. | #2 – Putting food on the local agenda: how to engage citizens and foster behavioral change?

7 May | #3 – Which tools support cities in developing and implementing an urban food policy?

28 May | #4 – How to work on food waste prevention and reduction?

4 Jun. | #5 – How do we use food procurement to foster more sustainable and inclusive cities?

11 Jun. | #6 – How can a city foster local and quality food production?

18 Jun. | #7 – How to finance cities food ambitions?

25 Jun. | #8 – How to ensure access to healthy and quality food for all?

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